Workshop 1 – Installation of fiber optic cables in Romania

04 mai 2017

On May 4, 2017, AFOR organized a workshop with the theme “Installation of fiber optic cables in Romania” at Slatina, together with Prysmian, at the fiber optic cable factory.

MINUTE Date: May 4, 2017

Workshop 1: Installation of fiber optic cables in Romania
Location: Slatina, Prysmian fiber optic cable factory

Participants: 23 people, from

AFOR and 5 of its members: Pysmian, Teleprecision-MTS, Netcity Telecom, Duraline, R&M,
6 telecom operators (RCS & RDS, Telekom Romania, Vodafone, GTS Telecom, Euroweb and Teletrans) and
2 operators of energy distribution networks (ENEL and Electrica Distributie Muntenia Nord).
The workshop agenda was as follows:
10.15 – 10.45: Introduction to the workshop and presentation of the participants

45 – 12.15: Practical demonstration in the Prysmian polygon. Installed by blowing with a Fremco blowing machine on a length of 800 m in about 20 minutes. Technical support from Teleprecision – MTS and Prysmian.
12.30 – 12.35: AFOR – presentation of standards for fiber optic cable installation

12.35 – 12.45: Prysmian – presentation of problems encountered when installing fiber optic cables in a country other than Romania

12.45 – 14: Discussions on the practices of fiber optic cable installation

2.30 – 3.30 pm: visit of the factory (for most participants).


  • There were mentioned many problems encountered in practice when installing fiber optic cables, including the wrong handling of the cables, the wrong realization of the reserves (to be made in the form of 8), the incorrect attachment of the cables on the poles, etc.
  • The important parameters for installing fiber optic cables were listed:

Maximum pulling force, Tensile Test: 1000 – 1200 N on cables for installation in pipes, 2500 – 3000 N on ADSS and 4500 – 6000 N on reinforced cables
Bending radius of cables: usually 20 x diameter of cable (after installation and 40 x respectively diameter of cable (during installation)
Installation temperature:> 0ºC for PVC coated cables and> -15ºC for PE cables. The usual threshold temperature in Romania of -5ºC is recommended due to the junction works of fiber optic cables, more than for the installation of fiber optic cables.
Arrow of cables installed on poles. It is calculated and provided by designers (is it all the time?) And is on average 1% for OPGW and 3% for ADSS.
Micro-curves greatly affect the quality of fiber optic transmission. Especially lately when most have passed / passed on DWDM, CD (chromatic dispersion) and PMD measurements are needed, and leftover reserves or other fiber optic curves in junction boxes can dramatically affect CD and attenuate transmissions. on fiber optics.

Cable reserves

  • In rooms without junction 5-6 m
  • In rooms with junction 15 + 15 m
  • Aerial, without junction: 40 m
  • Aerial, with junction: 20 m
  • At OPGW: 30-40 m (only at junctions)

Burial depth – see standard made by AFOR SR 13558: 2014. It is recommended to complete with an action through MDRAP to become mandatory and not just recommendation, like any standard.
The following aspects are important for the reception / verification of the installation of optical fiber cables through tubes:

  • Checking the tube (continuity tests, sponge or bullet)
  • Bending radii of cables (visually and by measurements with OTDR at 1625 nm)

The presence of water in junction boxes

In the installation of fiber optic cables major problems of the operators are related to administrative problems:

  • lack or inability to obtain the Intervention Authorization (especially for maintenance works)
  • the agreements of the owners in blocks / buildings / houses
  • claims of the owners’ associations (eg in Busteni where GSM antennas affect the health of the tenants)
  • the works of other operators that previously created problems and the tenants no longer allow the access of other operators


Representatives from MDRAP and ASRO will be invited to the following workshops.
There will be working groups on specialties to make some working documents, good practice guides, which will be useful (for design, for installers, etc.) to all participants in their activities.
The next two workshops will be in the same location, in Slatina, starting at 10.00:

· Thursday, May 18, 2017: CPR – or about the ban on using outdoor cables indoors starting with 1.07.2017

· Thursday, June 29, 2017: Indoor fiber optic cables.

Workshop details

  • Period: 04 mai 2017
  • Location: Slatina
  • Participants: 23